buprenorphine therapy  

When recovery from opioid addiction is your goal, you are willing to do anything including extreme approaches that don’t always result in long lasting recovery. Opioids are usually prescribed to treat a patients pain, but with prolonger use patients may experience lessened effects from the medication and the pain can return. The body can develop a dependence on opioids and can cause withdrawal symptoms, which makes it hard to stop taking them. This is when addiction occurs and it become hard to imagine daily life with out the help of this medication. But, if you desire to break free from this addiction there are options out there for you.

There are many options when it comes to rehab therapy and it can be confusing finding the right treatment for you. It’s important to consult your doctor on your journey to recovering as well as counseling and other behavioral therapies.

 One approach involves a drug called buprenorphine, buprenorphine is safe and effective. This medication can aid in the following symptoms of opioid addiction: 

  • Lessen withdrawal symptoms and cravings
  • Increase safety in cases of overdose
  • Lower the potential for misuse

There are always risks of taking any medications and buprenorphine does have some side effects that include:

  • headache.
  • stomach pain.
  • constipation.
  • difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • mouth numbness or redness.
  • tongue pain.
  • blurred vision.
  • back pain.

With consistent communication with your doctor you can achieve your desired freedom from opioids with buprenorphine. If you are interested in learning more on drug dependency or pain management reach out to our office and speak with our experienced provider on what can work best for you.


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